Building Memory: Pioneers of the TU Graz
In the summer semester 2023, students in the elective subject Model Making II worked on the design of a memorial dedicated to the first female graduates of Graz University of Technology. Architectural models served as design and communication tools in the exercise. The students worked in teams of two to three people each and ten different architectural designs were created to spatially visualize the female pioneers of the university. At the end of the seminar, a five-member jury headed by Rector Horst Bischof awarded four prizes for the best projects in an anonymous competition. The seminar provided an outstanding platform to reflect on the culture of remembrance, activism and the historical status of women at the university. It also stimulated and advanced the academic discourse on gender equality.
1.Price: Manuel Bordos + Phillip Rabl
Shared 2.Prices: Martin Kern + Manuel Rammerstorfer + Lisa Theurl / Clemens Cresnar + Dominic Janisch / Christoph Bamberger + David Pöll
Building Memory: Pioneers of the TU Graz
In the summer semester 2023, students in the elective subject Model Making II worked on the design of a memorial dedicated to the first female graduates of Graz University of Technology. Architectural models served as design and communication tools in the exercise. The students worked in teams of two to three people each and ten different architectural designs were created to spatially visualize the female pioneers of the university. At the end of the seminar, a five-member jury headed by Rector Horst Bischof awarded four prizes for the best projects in an anonymous competition. The seminar provided an outstanding platform to reflect on the culture of remembrance, activism and the historical status of women at the university. It also stimulated and advanced the academic discourse on gender equality.
1.Price: Manuel Bordos + Phillip Rabl
Shared 2.Prices: Martin Kern + Manuel Rammerstorfer + Lisa Theurl / Clemens Cresnar + Dominic Janisch / Christoph Bamberger + David Pöll