.re: The Tobacco City in Plovdiv - A new Culture Exchange Hub
As a Bulgarian student in Graz, I often see myself as a connecting link between two countries, between two cultures. By sharing stories and experiences with my friends, I sometimes, even unintentionally, bring some Austrian spirit back home. Of course, that multi-cultural exchange works both ways - every time I get back in Graz I bring something that I share with my friends and colleagues. In this case through my Master thesis. This project is a proposition for the adaptive reuse of iconic cultural monuments - the abandoned tobacco warehouses in Plovdiv, Bulgaria. Despite of the severe condition of the buildings, there is still a potential for adaptation and reconnection with the contemporary urban context.

.re: The Tobacco City in Plovdiv - A new Culture Exchange Hub
As a Bulgarian student in Graz, I often see myself as a connecting link between two countries, between two cultures. By sharing stories and experiences with my friends, I sometimes, even unintentionally, bring some Austrian spirit back home. Of course, that multi-cultural exchange works both ways - every time I get back in Graz I bring something that I share with my friends and colleagues. In this case through my Master thesis. This project is a proposition for the adaptive reuse of iconic cultural monuments - the abandoned tobacco warehouses in Plovdiv, Bulgaria. Despite of the severe condition of the buildings, there is still a potential for adaptation and reconnection with the contemporary urban context.