By using the crowdconstructing and low-tech prototyping methods developed by Mostlikely, 150 students from the first semester built a huge sculpture in the KOEN Institute's alternative accommodation and thus appropriated their future studios. The 3000 individual parts of the sculpture were cut out of paper, folded and glued together as a team. Crowdconstructing refers to the joint development and implementation of design tasks in large groups. Low-tech prototyping is a term that combines various methods for the quick and cost-effective production of huge paper sculptures. The development of joint solutions was practiced through the constructive challenges of building the sculptures. The design of the paper sculptures can be described as accidental - so called serendipity.
By using the crowdconstructing and low-tech prototyping methods developed by Mostlikely, 150 students from the first semester built a huge sculpture in the KOEN Institute's alternative accommodation and thus appropriated their future studios. The 3000 individual parts of the sculpture were cut out of paper, folded and glued together as a team. Crowdconstructing refers to the joint development and implementation of design tasks in large groups. Low-tech prototyping is a term that combines various methods for the quick and cost-effective production of huge paper sculptures. The development of joint solutions was practiced through the constructive challenges of building the sculptures. The design of the paper sculptures can be described as accidental - so called serendipity.