Institute of Construction and Design Principles
  Discovery     Searching     Experience     Translation     Invention     Serendipity     Research     Environment  
  Alternative Pedagogies in Architecture     Am KOEN zu Gast     Analog Plans     Architectural Model Research     Architectural Model Workshop     Beginners Workshops     Case Study Models     Conceptual Design     Concrete Exercise     Construction Lectures     Demolished / Modified / Endangered     Designing In Existing Structures     Design Principles     Endless House     Architectural Model     Excursions     Field Trips     GAM 18 – Beyond the Institution     Gender Taskforce     intensified DENSITY     Journey Through the Everyday     Keeping up with KOEN     Kronesgasse     Lecturers     Mapping     Master Thesis     Measuring     Model Based Drafting     Model Line-Up     Panels Pavilion     Pattern     Reels     Sarajevo Exkursion     Sketchbook Award     Sketching     Students     Study Assistants     Subject Matter Education     Subject Matter Housing     Summer Exhibitions     Subject Matter Museum     The Cut Through House     Tongji Construction Festivals     Venice Summer School     Von Acryl bis Zement     14.03. – 23.03. Team Wien     78 & 79 Days in Architecture  
  Building Memory     Yuguslav Spomeniks     Model-Making Electives     Model-Making Principles     Gruabn Model     Habitat Graz Model     Model for Participation     Schlossberg Model     Tactile Model     Weitsicht Cobenzl Model     Beginners Workshop 2024     Beginners Workshop 2023     Beginners Workshop 2022     Beginners Workshop 2021     Beginners Workshop 2020     Beginners Workshop 2019     Beginners Workshop 2018     Beginners Workshop 2017     Beginners Workshop 2016     Beginners Workshop 2015     Beginners Workshop 2014     Matthias Prosekar     Vincent Grömer     Isa Lientschnigg     Helena Marit Oberholzer     Flora Flucher     Hannes Stockklauser     Annalisa Cammelli     Alma Zulić     Joshua René Stux     Saša Mujagić     Rudolf Reicher     Anna Goller     Christopher Leo Anton Malis     Julian Lebitsch     Mevla Türkmen     Angelika Lisa Mayr     Dinko Jelečević     Judith Weiß     Elisabeth Viktoria Laimböck     Stefanie Insupp     Alexandra Petrova     Theresa Obermayer     Maria Wögerbauer     Bruno Raškaj     Laura Feller     Verena Dobernig     Simon Pilzer     Amila Smajlović     Johannes Fritzenwallner     Sarah Andrea Philippina Peers     Janine Christin Zelger     Hakon Kreilinger     Barbara Gruber     Dieter Aitzetmüller     Vanessa Bauer     Alexandra Gruber     Gresa Kastrati     Donika Luzhnica     Dylan Mundy-Clowry     Lukas Niedermayr     Julia Truppe     Alexandra Turac     Turin (2024)     Milano (2023)     Triest (2022)     Graz (2021)     Graz (2020)     Slovenia & Croatia (2019)     Stockholm (2018)     Vienna (2017)     Venice (2016)     Berlin (2015)     Copenhagen (2014)     Corridor     Courtyard     Hall     Studios     Terrace     Tongji Construction Festival 2019     Tongji Construction Festival 2018     Tongji Construction Festival 2017     Tongji Construction Festival 2016     Tongji Preselection  

The Institute of Construction and Design Principles (KOEN) introduces the many facets of architecture through a number of construction-oriented as well as design subjects. The integration of the two main courses Construction and Design within one department emphasizes their tight interrelationship. Throughout the first year the course focuses on the essentials, with the goal of teaching a basic understanding of architecture, three dimensional space, and the contextual connections in the built environment. We ask the primary questions Why and How. In addition, the students are given tools with which to further develop and communicate their ideas. These include sketches, technical drawing (by hand and computer), layouts, and model making, as well as verbal and written presentations. Together with the sketching, the model making reflects one of our main concerns: understanding the making of architecture as a process.

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Institute of Construction and Design Principles
Kronesgasse 5, 2nd Floor, 8010 Graz
Mo–Fr 9:00–12:00
+43 316 873-1631

Architectural Model Workshop
Kronesgasse 5, Basement, 8010 Graz
Mo–Fr 9:30–12:30 / 13:30–17:00
+43 316 873-1648

Design: Paul Pacher

Development: Michael Kroissmayr

AlumniMatthias BrandstetterIngo CandussiChristian EggerJana EngelIrnes FatkicLaura FellerTobias FinkHannes FreißmuthJohannes FritzenwallnerSonja FuchsJulian GattererChristoph GraberBernd GrabnerMatthias HausleitnerEva HierzerPeter HörzenauerDaniel HuberKlemens IllekKatharina JarzJulia JernejMarkus KatzenbergerGresa KastratiBudour KhalilPetra KickenweitzBernadette KrejsChristopher LeitnerMarleen LeitnerDonika LuzhnicaHelena OberholzerTheresa ObermayerMak PavelicLung PengClaus Plasencia KanzlerJohanna PloderDavid PöllDominik PuntigamLukas PetautschnigBruno RaskajIvan RediGernot RitterAndreas RoschitzAnna SachsenhoferMarkus SchallerMario SchierlLea SchuikiDaniel SchürrAnna SöllingerBenjamin StarzAlice SteinerHannes StockklauserBianca StroblChristina TammerlTim Wakonig-LükingJudith WeißFranz WiesenhoferMarion WicherFlake Zeneli