Steam Machine - A Regional Platform for Science, Technology, Engineering Arts & Maths in Tanzania
Tanzania, a member state of the East African Community, has aspirations to transform its economy into a semi industrial, middle-income economy by the year 2025. As outlined in its manifesto Vision 2025, education is a fundamental priority for harnessing its natural resources, stimulating competitiveness and fostering innovation amongst its rapidly increasing young population; one of the fastest growing in the world. The present state of educational infrastructure is nowhere near the necessary capacity to provide for the competitiveness and challenges of the 21st century. This Thesis is an examination of the potential for a Regional platform for education, exhibition and experimentation in the STEAM fields as an instrumental device in harnessing indigenous knowledge and augmenting the educational curriculum in Tanzania.

Steam Machine - A Regional Platform for Science, Technology, Engineering Arts & Maths in Tanzania
Tanzania, a member state of the East African Community, has aspirations to transform its economy into a semi industrial, middle-income economy by the year 2025. As outlined in its manifesto Vision 2025, education is a fundamental priority for harnessing its natural resources, stimulating competitiveness and fostering innovation amongst its rapidly increasing young population; one of the fastest growing in the world. The present state of educational infrastructure is nowhere near the necessary capacity to provide for the competitiveness and challenges of the 21st century. This Thesis is an examination of the potential for a Regional platform for education, exhibition and experimentation in the STEAM fields as an instrumental device in harnessing indigenous knowledge and augmenting the educational curriculum in Tanzania.